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Oncologic Photodynamic Therapy: Basic Principles, Current Clinical Status and Future Directions

Author(s): Demian van Straten, Vida Mashayekhi, Henriette S. de Bruijn, Sabrina Oliveira, and Dominic J. Robinson
Abstract:   (View Source)

Effectiveness of photodynamic therapy for mammary and extra-mammary Paget's disease: a state of the science review

Author(s): Alexa A Nardelli, Tania Stafinski, and Devidas Menon
Abstract:   (View Source)

Photobiomodulation Therapy for Wound Care: A Potent, Noninvasive, Photoceutical Approach

Author(s): Mosca, Rodrigo Crespo; Ong, Adrian A.; Albasha, Omar; Bass, Kathryn; Arany, Praveen
Abstract:   (View Source)